
201 - How We Got Here

202 - Comeuppance

203 - Sorry About the Mess

204 - The Intervention

205 - Majestic Like a Spittoon

206 - Illidan Stairrage

207 - popcorn.gif

208 - She’s a Feisty One

209 - Fluffy Judgement

210 - The Beast of Legend

211 - The Particulars of Friendship

212 - Get on Outta Here

213 - A Good Usage of Space

214 - Little Boxes

215 - Shiny Justice

216 - Never Tell Me the Odds

217 - Thanksgiving 2014: Family Dinner Done Right

218 - Young Andrew Plays it Safe

219 - Clolthulhu’s 2014 Games of the Year

220 - The Maladroit Below

Christmas 2014

221 - Beware the White Horse

222 - Biological Mutations Totally Happen

223 - Terrors, One and All

224 - Imagine the Possibilities

225 - PAX South 2015 Retrospective

226 - Fiendishly Clever

227 - The Best Policy... Bah!

228 - The Stakes Have Been Raised

229 - Calls ‘em Like I Sees ‘em

230 - For Serious.  For Sure.

231 - The Circle Will Only Complete

232 - Worth a Shot

233 - Press X to Fail

234 - He has a Point... Kinda

235 - Of Nectar and Grit

236 - Never You Mind

237 - Just Down the Road

238 - Not Here to Help

239 - The Party is Now Complete

240 - Just Like Any Other Day

241 - You’ll Have To Go With Me On This One

242 - John & Meg Wedding Special

243 - International Dame of Mystery

244 - Minor Concessions

245 - Xavier’s School for the Spastic

246 - Perhaps a Tad Melodramatic

247 - He Really Put Himself into the Character

248 - Embarrassed Hide & Seek

249 - Give Into Your Anger

250 - A Taste of Things to Come

251 - I Don’t Think That He Thought This Through

252 - A Toast: Jake & Alex Edition

253 - Sorry for Panel 3...

254 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Guardians

255 - They’re Missing the TARDIS Option...

256 - Preparatory

257 - Inktober 2015

258 - The Dark Time Before the Internet Arrives

259 - Rough Working Conditions

260 - Shakespeare is Timeless

261 - He Really Puts the Idiot in Savant

262 - Rock Solid Jokes

263 - Of Suspenders and Bobby Pins

264 - Ooooooooooo, Shiny

265 - Not Really a Spoiler

Christmas 2015

266 - Don’t Mess with Tradition

267 - It’s Very Insensitive

268 - Reminiscence

269 - Balance isn’t Always a Good Thing

270 - GET IT??? GET IT?!?!?!

271 - Not Really a Sustainable Model

272 - You Can’t Really Stop

273 - Tarnishing the Record

274 - Birds Shouldn’t Litter Either

275 - Meta-Gaming at its Best

276 - Leveling the Playing Field

277 - Games of War

278 - It’s Surprisingly Good

279 - Thankfully, George Lucas Isn’t the Bouncer

280 - Putting the Fantasy Back into Fantasy Leagues

281 - Awkwarditude in Action

282 - Prancing Crosses the Nebulous Line

283 - Lode-ed with Puns... Sorry

284 - Such Nice Dreams

285 - A Good Friend

286 - Cool it with the Keates!!! Seriously.

287 - Forming the Party pt. 1

288 - Forming the Party pt. 2

289 - Forming the Party pt. 3

290 - Forming the Party pt. 4

291 - Forming the Party pt. 5

292 - Putting the Cart Before the Ysalamiri

293 - Sneaky Sneaky

294 - She’s More Concerned About the Pillow

295 - Explanations

296 - Primal Swagger... or Something

297 - Head! Rehearsal! Now!

298 - Majestic Bulbous Eyes

299 - Untapped Potential... Down the Road

300 - Rainy-Day Delivery

301 - Gauging Reactions

302 - Advanced Computational Skills

303 - He’s a Quick One

304 - Progress? Sure, Why Not?

305 - Missed Signals

Halloween 2016

306 - His Reaction is Only Logical

307 - Two-Player Adventures

308 - A Very Important Question

Thanksgiving 2016

309 - Year of the Voldemort

310 - Setting a Precedent

Christmas 2016

311 - Auld Lang Syne

312 - For Our Fallen Brethren

313 - Yeah... sure. Whatever.

PAX South 2017

314 - Don’t Write While You’re Hungry... Apparently

315 - Accurate, But Unhelpful

316 - Given the Options, I’d Pick Translation

317 - A Sharp Observation

318 - The Shortest Distance Between Two Points

319 - It’s a Weird Sort of Pluralization

320 - It’s an Ex-Kitten

321 - More Than Just Ice Cream

322 - The Doubliest of Standards

323 - Nightmare Scenario

324 - Dun Dun Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun

325 - Behind Door Number Three

326 - Dropping Hints

327 - Tinfoil Makes for the Best Hats

328 - Outdone by Francis

329 - Darcy for President

330 - More Obscure Connections

331 - Bah... Who Needs Silly Things Like Food?!?!

332 - Sneaky Sneaky Dawns

333 - Think of the Children

334 - Difficult to Hide

335 - Not Prepared for the Strangeness

336 - Time for a Break